
Treparriscos en Entrepeñas / Wallcreeper in Entrepeñas damn
Treparriscos en Entrepeñas / Wallcreeper in Entrepeñas damn


Treparriscos en Entrepeñas / Wallcreeper in Entrepeñas damn
Treparriscos en Entrepeñas / Wallcreeper in Entrepeñas damn
Pechiazul / Bluethroat
Espátula joven en vuelo / Juvenile Spoonbill flying
El grupo en las marismas del Odiel / Our party at Odiel Marshes
El segundo día, con la amenaza contínua de la lluvia, lo dedicamos a explorar la laguna de la Cañada de la Rianzuela, en el paraje conocido como la Dehesa de Abajo, y los arrozales de Isla Mayor. Como la mañana comenzó lloviendo decidimos hacer tiempo bajo el techado de uno de los restaurantes que miran a la marisma en El Rocío. Prácticamente vimos lo mismo que la tarde anterior pero al menos no nos mojábamos. Sólo cuando remitió algo la lluvia y después de un reconfortante café en el Bar la Guindilla nos encaminamos hacia la zona norte del Parque Natural. Entre las especies más interesantes registradas en la Dehesa de Abajo habría que destacar elanio común, calamón (al menos 9 ejemplares), malvasía cabeciblanca, un bando mixto de más de mil avocetas y cigüeñuelas, numerosos aviones y golondrinas comunes, zampullín cuellinegro, dos martinetes, más de una docena de cigüeñas blancas y sorprendentemente una canastera.
Después de comer nuestro picnic con el tiempo justo antes de que comenzara de nuevo la lluvia nos trasladamos hacia los arrozales cercanos al poblado de Alfonso XIII... previa nueva parada para cafés y baños esta vez en la Venta El Cruce. Las aproximadamente dos horas que dedicamos a escudriñar los campos previos al poblado nos ofrecieron algunos de los mejores momentos de la excursión. Un total de 8 cigüeñas negras compartían mesa con dos garcetas grandes y multitud de garcetas comunes, garcillas bueyeras, cigüeañas blancas y gaviotas reidoras. También dos garcillas cangrejeras, un pechiazul y un bando de más de 100 tejedores amarillos, una especie exótica cada vez más común en las zonas de arrozal de Doñana y su entorno. Entre las rapaces detectadas en este lugar merece especial atención mencionar una hembra joven de halcón peregrino, un esmerejon y varios aguiluchos laguneros.
Flamenco / Greater Flamingo
Gaviotas picofinas en La Calatilla / Slender-billed Gulls at La Calatilla
Vuelvepiedras / Turnstone
Para el cuarto día nos esperaba la visita al interior del Parque Nacional a bordo de vehículos 4x4. Visitamos las marismas de Hinojos, el centro de visitantes de Jose Antonio Valver y el Coto del Rey. Fue un día de lluvia prácticamente contínua que no nos dió muchas oportunidades de disfrutar del entorno. Así y todo vimos bastantes cosas interesantes como ánsares comunes, grullas, alcaravanes, chorlitos dorados, una breve observación de un bando de gangas ibéricas, elanio común, al menos dos águilas imperiales distintas y una culebrera... otro visitante estival poco habitual en esta época del año... no sería la última. La lluvia caída durante toda la jornada anegó canales y la Raya Real parecía un río que dividía la zona de Coto por la mitad. No vimos al lince pero algunos miembros de la expedición logró ver fugazmente al meloncillo.
Caballos y vacas en la marisma de Hinojos / Cattle and horses at marisma de Hinojos
Águila imperial ibérica juvenil / Juvenile Spanish Imperial Eagle
Águila imperial ibérica juvenil / Juvenile Spanish Imperial Eagle
Águila imperial ibérica juvenil / Juvenile Spanish Imperial Eagle
Adulto águila imperial ibérica / Adult Spanish Imperial Eagle
Para el último día nos quedaba visitar las zonas más populares del Parque, los centros de El Acebuche y La Rocina. Después de un agradable y breve paseo por el Corral de Miguel, junto a Matalascañas, donde teníamos nuestro hotel, comenzamos la visita de ambos centros. La Rocina dió algo más de sí permitiéndonos observar un bando de unos 60 moritos, un precioso macho de aguilucho lagunero y una aguililla calzada de morfo claro... la última entre los visitantes estivales en unos días invernales de viento y lluvia. En total, 128 especies de aves registradas, cuatro de ellas únicamente oídas.
A 5-day visit to Doñana National Park at the South West corner of Spain. This is one of the best spots for seeing wildfowl, raptors, waders, flamingos and some summer visitors who overwinger in our country. We explored the different ecosystems present in this National Park declared in 1969, the marshes, the woods (here known as Cotos), impresive sand dunes, the coast and the Monte Blanco (formed by different types of Mediterranean brooms and cistus).
On day 1 we arrived into El Rocio where we had some time before dusk to see our first Black-tailed Godwits, Greater Flamingos, Black-winged Stilts, Common Shelducks, Marsh Harriers and Spoonbills. Unfortunately this was the only tru dry day having showers continously during the following days. For our second day we explored the lagoon of the reserve called Dehesa de Abajo recording White-headed Duck, Black-necked Grebe, a mixed flock of more than 1000 avocets and Black-winged Stilts, two Night Herons, a single Black-shouldered Kite, Purple Swamp-Hens, more Flamingos and a surprising Collared Pratincole on my first ever winter record of this species. On the nearby rice paddies some more summer visitors... Black Storks in a number of eight and two Squacco Herons. Great White Egret, White Stork, Bluethroat, a female Peregrine and Merlin were also recorded here. Besides a flock of a hundred of the exotic Yellow Bishop and a few Marsh Harriers.
The third day we visited the marshes of the river Odiel. This was perhaps the best day in terms of wheather. Regarding birds good numbers of waders including Knot, Sanderling, Dunlin, Little Stint, Bar-tailed Godwit, Whimbrel, Eurasian Curlew, Turnstone, Grey, Kentish and Ringed Plovers... in La Calatilla visitor centre (surprinsingly closed in a holiday!) we had a few Slender-billed Gulls, a single Audouin's and a Caspian Tern from a total of two seen that day.
The following day we took our 4x4 vehicles to explore some of the restricted areas into the Park. Coto del Rey and the marismas de Hinojos were the two main areas visited. Amongst the birds in a terribly wet day we can not forget to mention at least two Spanish Imperial Eagles from several records during the day, a Short-toed Eagle, Black Stork, Common Cranes, Pin-tailed Sandgrouse, Stone Curlew, Golden Plover, Greylag Geese (still low numbers)... An Egyptian Mongoose was also seen by some of us.
The last day (again cloudy and wet) we travelled into the the main visitors centre of the Park having as the most interesting birds a light morph Booted Eagle and a flock of 60 Glossy Ibis. The Azure-winged Magpies were specially common at La Rocina with some individuals in El Acebuche where we had also our unique Crested Tit of the trip.
Ermita del Buen Acuerdo / The Buen Acuerdo Chapel (Gallocanta)
On last 20 and 21 November a party of members and friends from SEO/BirdLife we visited the lagoon of Gallocanta (between the provinces of Zaragoza and Teruel) and the steppes of Belchite. We had quite a lot Common Cranes during the whole day spent in Gallocanta, having some fantastic memories from several groups of Cranes flying over our heads going into their roost. Unfortunately the level of the water was still so low that all ducks and gulls were quite far away from us and couldn't see much more that day. Once it was dark we travelled into Cariñena where we stayed in our hotel. The following morning we visited the steppes of Belchite, mainly the El Planeron (a nature reserve property of SEO/BirdLife) where we only recorded Black-bellied Sandgrouse, Lesser short-toed Lark, Calandra Lark, Thekla Lark and Hen Harrier. It was too windy and cold for seeing anything else, and of course no chances for Dupont's Lark.
After visiting the impressive ruins of the old village of Belchite (distroyed during the Spanish Civil War) and the La Lomaza reserve, where we had Southern Grey Shrike and Lesser short-toed Lark, we returned to Madrid.
Last saturday 6th November we visited the well known Tietar Valley. A quite flat region placed South of the Gredos mountains with presence of numerous raptors. We saw indeed two Spanish Imperial Eagles, a few Black and Griffon Vultures, Red Kites, Common Buzzards, Sparrowhawk and a single Marsh Harrier. No signs of Black-shouldered Kites this time.
Amongst the most attractive birds seen during our trip were 5 Spoonbills, 2 Hoopoes, 1 Great White Egret, Azure-winged Magpies, at least 4 different Kingfishers, Common and Green Sandpipers, Greenshank, Greylag Geese and good numbers of Common Cranes but still far from the usual wintering population. A total of around 1,000 individuals came into roost.