
Altos de Barahona
Barahona Steppes, Soria province

El 20 de marzo SEO/BirdLife y Spainbirds organizaron una excursión de un día a la comarca de los Altos de Barahona en la provincia de Soria. El principal objetivo era observar u oir Alondra ricotí, sin embargo el fuerte viento y las bajas temperaturas del día no acompañaron y tuvimos que mantenernos la mayor parte del tiempo en el barranco de la Hoceca. Pudimos observar, eso sí, cogujada montesina, escribano montesino, culebrera europea, chova piquirroja y halcón peregrino. Todo en las cercanías del bello pueblo amurallado de Rello.

On 20th March SEO/BirdLife and Spainbirds organized a tour to the steppes of Barahona at Soria province. The main aim of this one-day trip was to see the elusive Dupont's Lark which has in these moorlands the most important population of Spain. However we had a very windy and cold day with some showers and unfortunately we didn't see the bird. Fortunately we had good views of Short-toed Eagle, Red-billed Chough, Rock Bunting, Thekla Lark and a juvenile Peregrine Falco which tried to prey on some of the many Feral pigeons of the river cliffs. All of this happened in the known as Barranco de la Hoceca, next to the walled and medieval village of Rello.

1 comentario:

  1. Que me cuente cuándo y cuántas ricotís ven, y si es posible con fotografías actuales, no de hace 30 años.
